Register of deaths

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name surname nickname date of death age obituary condolence
ANTONIO LOAISA SÁNCHEZ 17-06-2024 68 condolence message
URBANO MARTÍNEZ MORATALLA 15-06-2024 95 condolence message
CATALINA JULIÀ ADROVER " Can Remolest " 12-06-2024 86 condolence message
MARIA CONCEPCIÓ MIRÓ ALBONS 11-06-2024 97 condolence message
PEDRO MATAMALAS LLULL " De Son Burn " 10-06-2024 53 condolence message
NICOLAS DIAZ ROLLIZO 09-06-2024 77 condolence message
GLORIA SÁNCHEZ ROLDÁN 09-06-2024 88 condolence message
GUILLEM MAS BAUZA "De C′an Felip 07-06-2024 64 condolence message
MARIA ANTICH SUREDA ′′ Ferrera ′′ / ′′ Viuda d′en Biel Maia ′′ 05-06-2024 89 condolence message
ENRIQUE PIZARRO GARCÍA 04-06-2024 76 condolence message
ANTONIO PARRAS GALAN 02-06-2024 41 condolence message
MIGUEL ÁNGEL VERT MAYOL "MIGUELITO" 31-05-2024 64 condolence message
BEL MATAMALAS ALCOVER " Rotja " 31-05-2024 88 condolence message
GABRIEL FIOL BENNÀSSAR 30-05-2024 86 condolence message
JOAN GARAU NOGUERA 25-05-2024 49 condolence message
AGUSTINA CORTÉS DÍAZ-MORENO ′′ Tina ′′ 28-05-2024 86 condolence message
FRANCISCA ADROVER CAPÓ ′′ D′es Rafal ′′ 26-05-2024 103 condolence message
MIQUEL ARBONA BAUZA 24-05-2024 96 condolence message
CATALINA FRAU FERRER " de ca′n cama" 23-05-2024 74 condolence message
EMILIA VERDE OLIVER 23-05-2024 100 condolence message
CATALINA ALZINA SANSÓ ′′ De Ca′n Palavet ′′ 20-05-2024 69 condolence message
FRANCISCO SOLER MANRESA ′′ Carraixet ′′ 18-05-2024 81 condolence message